Biographical note



從創作與社區、觀眾的交互過程中,將零碎的、間隙的、遺忘的歷史層積和記憶深處重構或甚至虛構;尋訪當代社會中關於身分、家、故鄉、城市 -即那些關於我們已經遺忘許久,不可見的幽黯鬼魂。

Lo Shih-Tung regard the special textures present in our daily life, seeing them as in Walter Benjamin’s discourse, fragments and reflection of a complete structure, a whole world. My works are organic documents attempting to inquire and contemplate ever-changing warped messages.

Painting, photography, performance, audio/ video, installation, happenings can all be part of a creation thrown to public arenas awakening its refraction and feedback.

Through the process of creating and interacting with spectators and communities, the fragmented, fissured, and forgotten history can be restored or even fictionalized. It is about seeking one’s identity, residence, hometown, and city; those long forgotten, unseen ghosts.

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Sep 1, 2007

雌金 / Alchemy

