Aug 8, 2011
Behind -Ghost next to the city-
Treasure Hill is located on the site of a temple devoted to Guanyin, in Taipei. Over fifty years ago, people started building their own houses, on this land owned by the Ministry of National Defense. Originally it was settled in by war veterans, but developed into a community composed mainly of poor people, migrant workers and others who couldn’t afford the steep prices in the area. Thus the inhabitants were generally a marginalised and voiceless community.
In 2004, the government declared that it was going to raze the buildings in the pursuit of urban development. Students and teachers of several National Taiwan University departments along with the NGO ’OURS’ and many ’Artivists’ acted to try and save the residences. During 2007-2009 with the policy of preservation and revitalization, the old settlement unfolded a new vision of an artivist compound which would respect the existing fabric of the community while fulfilling the regeneration concept of "symbiosis" to incorporate production and ecology in communal living and ushering in the program of an international art village. The ideas of art to further cultural exchanges with broader international communities.
Through the process of creating and interacting with spectators and residency communities, the fragmented, fissured, and forgotten history can be restored or even fictionalized. It is about seeking one’s identity, residence, hometown, and city; those long forgotten, unseen ghosts.
From the fall of 2010 to 2011 spring, Lo Shih-Tung attended the art residential program at the Treasure Hill International Artist Village. During the six-month residency, he produced a series of works utilizing various mediums which mark out the trajectory of his recent artistic creations. These include “TreasureHill Soup” , “Pirates and Ghosts” an object-induced happening, “Out of Place” a site-specific installation, and finally the video installation “Ghost next to the City” which was filmed after the culmination of his residency.
寶藏巖(Treasure hill)是位於台灣:台北其中一處最熱鬧商圈區域附近的山丘上,由二戰期間中國內戰遷至台灣的外省人,圍繞著此地寺廟非法興建違章建築形成的特殊聚落。其後自1980年代至2006年間,經過多次都市改革政策拆遷 (市容改造)與社運文化團體之間的抗衡,於2010年正式定調為藝術進駐與原居民共生的寶藏巖國際藝術村。 羅仕東於2010年9月至2011年2月間在重新規劃與開放的寶藏巖國際藝術村進駐,並進行寶藏巖的歷史記憶的考掘。透過與過去居住的藝術家、學生、社運工作者、居民的描述,試圖建構出有別於一般風土地誌、歷史記載或寶藏巖多元交織的複雜文本。並在此概念下創作數件透過不同軸線以及創作方式的生產,如影音創作、文字話語書寫、特定場域的裝置等。創造一個非封閉的「紀實」影像空間,捕捉寶藏巖:一個能串連過去到未來的流動空間,介於紀錄片與敘事劇情片的方式。
本次影像創作便依據其中幾篇記述作為其敘事軸線發展( 以下節錄 ):
「讓水柱越過山頭來滅火的。」 ”
— 寶藏炎
同樣是那個熟悉的bi bi…聲,但這次顯得非常急促。
同樣捕捉不著,但更令人不安。 我打開通往廚房的後門。
大伙手忙腳亂的將爐子澆水取下, 那個聲音才漸漸回復平穩。
從前這裡大大小小的火景, 我猜你都能聽見牠們。
那大概是因為火勢越是猛烈, 那記憶或夢境就越是龐大而沉重。 ”
— 搬運
從過去的居民和照片紀錄中,任何形式的火總是和當時住民的生活相關聯,無論是火災、營火、還是為了製造光線或取暖的燃燒。這些大大小小的火焰是一種歷史的堆疊符號般,串起人與人,過去與現在記憶之間的聯繫。 如今寶藏巖已轉變更新為具規模的藝術村方式營運,如何透過創作回朔其在地的歷史記憶,或能使其滲透至今日以及未來,是我們當下所面臨的重要問題。本次創作湯透過特殊的燈光裝置去模擬關於記憶的火(光)至今仍未熄滅以及不斷重新蔓延為主,透過火(光)線和影像的不同質地「看/照明」寶藏巖 - 都市的鬼魂。
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