Biographical note



從創作與社區、觀眾的交互過程中,將零碎的、間隙的、遺忘的歷史層積和記憶深處重構或甚至虛構;尋訪當代社會中關於身分、家、故鄉、城市 -即那些關於我們已經遺忘許久,不可見的幽黯鬼魂。

Lo Shih-Tung regard the special textures present in our daily life, seeing them as in Walter Benjamin’s discourse, fragments and reflection of a complete structure, a whole world. My works are organic documents attempting to inquire and contemplate ever-changing warped messages.

Painting, photography, performance, audio/ video, installation, happenings can all be part of a creation thrown to public arenas awakening its refraction and feedback.

Through the process of creating and interacting with spectators and communities, the fragmented, fissured, and forgotten history can be restored or even fictionalized. It is about seeking one’s identity, residence, hometown, and city; those long forgotten, unseen ghosts.

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Sep 23, 2012

羅仕東在2010102日,寶藏巖作為國際藝術村的開村這一天,印製類似抗議的頭巾並發放給參觀的遊客;試著對開村節慶營造出另一種情境 劇場式的抗爭事件,連結著在過去的10年間對於寶藏巖聚落以及居民的存留問題,所引起的諸多社會關注與抗議行動。當觀眾綁上這印製的頭帶時,像是成為抗議的臨時演員,也如同過去抗爭記憶裡的鬼魂重新回到這個特殊場域。既非/也非地自現下看見過往的幻覺,一種不合時宜

Jun 17, 2012


May 4, 2012


在港這裡,和大多數的港口城市一樣, 有著一個或兩個關於離別的愛情傳說.


Apr 5, 2012


Mar 18, 2012


Mar 16, 2012


待在日本,橫濱的這段期間,除了發現漢字語言上的相似性與日治台灣以來的生活細節以外,也能找到現下台灣的消費流行與次文化的空間源頭。這些空間被部屬在真實的生活場域之中,卻也如米些爾. 傅柯(Michel Foucault)提及的異托邦概念(Heterotopia)- 一個介於現實與想像的社會拼貼。

Oct 3, 2011

Out of Place was the artist’s solo exhibition in a vacant house (The village decided to covert it into 
future storage.) during his residency in Treasure Hill Artist Village. The content of exhibition then changed through time. 

Sep 9, 2011


這批發表作品全部都是關於寶藏岩的,或者精確地説,都是關於羅仕東這個個體所重疊到的寶藏岩——不管是他對駐村期間的策動、計畫的整理,還是抽取自駐村生活中的經驗碎片,或是那些不只在半年之間所累積的傳說與奇聞軼事。這些影像和物件以獨特的形態混雜著個人記憶與集體記憶的線索,在進入夜色的暗室展場裡,羅仕東試圖引領我們或者透過作品向我們顯像的狀態,是一種從夜晚開始對寶藏岩進行的凝視,所看的不是寶藏岩的物理空間,而是寶藏岩這個「事件- 所在」。

Aug 8, 2011

Treasure Hill is located on the site of a temple devoted to Guanyin, in Taipei. Over fifty years ago, people started building their own houses, on this land owned by the Ministry of National Defense. Originally it was settled in by war veterans, but developed into a community composed mainly of poor people, migrant workers and others who couldn’t afford the steep prices in the area. Thus the inhabitants were generally a marginalised and voiceless community.

Jul 7, 2011

Video work "Ghost next to the City". The script is written according to a conflagration which happened years ago in Treasure Hill. Through photo documents and interviews with residents, one can relate various images of fire to the past lifestyles of residents, whether it be fire accidents, bonfires, or fires for the purpose of producing light and warmth. These flickers of light can be seen as historical signifiers, linking together all the different people and memories belonging to this land.

Oct 2, 2010

On October 2nd 2010, the day the Treasure Hill Artist Village opened, 
Shih-Tung Lo made headbands similar to the ones usually seen during protests and gave them out to visitors. He tried to create an alternative atmosphere on the occasion of opening festival. That was a form of theatrical protest. Captured through still and video documentation, the participants turned themselves into background performers. It at the same time was and was not an illusion from either the past or present, in short, a kind of “out-of-place-ness”  to evoke a concern or just mere curiosity. What is Treasure Hill? What have made it this way? What does its past look like? And what about its future? Then how people can get involved? 

Sep 29, 2010

“Reading” were performances which Lo Shih-Tung contributed in Yeh Wei-Li’s “super Friday project” at Yeh’s New Day Street studio in Pushin. “super Friday project” was a collective of events, including performance art, sound art, literary creation, installation art etc., held consecutively on Friday nights. Lo contributed twice in “Reading” with his readings of “Reflects on Military Service” and “Reflects on our contemporary art”
. The content of “Reflects on Military Service” consists of verses from the diary Lo kept during his military services; “Reflects on Military Service” was inspired by his correspondences with friends on various debatable issues regarding contemporary art. Lo collaborated with fellow artist, Jo-Mei Lee, combining the physically extreme art of yoga unto each of his readings, creating a unique narrative performance.

Jan 23, 2010

Sep 1, 2007
